Category: News

  • Grab The DIY Smart Saw Today and begin to Build

    A Smart Saw is an ultra-precise woodcarving machine that spits out unique DIY projects almost on auto-pilot. And the DIY Smart Saw program is a step-by-step video guide that shows you how to put it together in an afternoon using parts you can find lying around your home.   Source: iPromo News advertisement: advertise-in-ipromonews-orlando-free-monthly-coupons-newspaper

  • 23-Sec Belly Flattening Secret

    The abs and biceps have often be rated as the most attractive muscles by women in most surveys conducted by health and fitness magazines. The reason for this is that it’s extremely difficult to get a set of ‘visible six pack abs’. The key word being visible. You could do a million crunches, leg raises…

  • 3 Belly Fat Activators To Avoid On Your Way To A Flat And Firm Midsection

    Belly Fat Activator #1 Flips ON Your Menopause Molecules Making It Darn Near IMPOSSIBLE To Lose Belly Fat Most women think ‘more is better’. The more you exercise, the more fat comes off. It just makes logical sense, right? WRONG! advertisement: advertise-in-ipromonews-orlando-free-monthly-coupons-newspaper The myth of more exercise is a lie, a trap holding you back…

  • 4 Anti-Aging Secrets Using Nutrition

    Where can we get antioxidants? Antioxidants serve to neutralize free radicals that would otherwise lead to oxidative damage thus helping to improve your health significantly. They help combat disease such as heart disease and cancer, keep our skin, hair and nails looking their best and have us feeling more energized and healthy on a day…

  • Don’t Be Deceived — Secret 3 “Diet Foods” Guaranteed to Destroy Your Health

    If you want to learn the two must-eat foods that will catapult fat loss into high gear, make sure you check out The 2 Week Diet. Highly-readable and conveniently-packaged in PDF form, it has all the best advice you need to correct any lingering misinformation you’ve fallen prey to. Are you putting 100% into your…

  • Climate change fail: California hammered with rain, snow after alarmists predicted disaster – Climate change fail: California hammered with rain, snow after alarmists predicted disasterTheBlaze.comDespite grim warnings issued by climate change alarmists over the past few years, California’s drought appears to be ending in spectacular fashion, with the state having experienced relatively high amounts of precipitation during the most recent winter.

  • Guest Column: Global warming is a disturbing truth, but fact – Mansfield News Journal

    Mansfield News Journal Guest Column: Global warming is a disturbing truth, but factMansfield News JournalWe don’t like bad news. No one wants to receive a diagnosis of cancer, for example, but we ignore bad news at our own peril. So, when the CIA identified global warming as a serious threat to our national security, it…

  • What You Can Do About Climate Change – The New York Times – New York Times

    New York Times What You Can Do About Climate Change – The New York TimesNew York TimesDriving a more fuel-efficient car cuts greenhouse gas emissions. Which is why Trump would be making a mistake if he retreats on fuel economy. and more »

  • You Can Build a Container Home With This Guide

    Warren’s been building container homes for the past 14 years and over that time he’s helped hundreds of others build their very own container home. No he’s really putting his knowledge to the test because he’s personally invited you to try out his DIY container home plans. Go ahead, take a look at Warren’s plans…

  • Download Over 9000 Furniture Craft Plans

    We think this is extremely important because we have seen plenty of free woodworking plans (or pay) on other sites that are created  recklessly. Some have inaccurate dimensions, some did not explain what exactly tools are needed during the woodworking process while some only provide the diagrams without proper step by step instructions on how to do it.…