Dramatic NatGeo photos show how climate change is transforming the world – Mashable
Mashable Dramatic NatGeo photos show how climate change is transforming the worldMashableThe effects of climate change are already visible in communities across the world. Prolonged droughts are zapping fields dry from Texas to Tanzania. Powerful storms are flooding homes from North Carolina to Nepal. At the farthest ends of the planet … and more »
Nic Cage Using Virtual Reality To Make A Global Warming Sci-Fi Thriller? Yes Please – Cinema Blend
Cinema Blend Nic Cage Using Virtual Reality To Make A Global Warming Sci-Fi Thriller? Yes PleaseCinema BlendTaking place in the American Midwest in 2030, The Humanity Bureau imagines a version of the United States that has been ravaged by the effects of global warming. In order to cope with a devastating economic recession that has…
Devastating Images Of Climate Change, From California To India – Co.Design (blog)
Co.Design (blog) Devastating Images Of Climate Change, From California To IndiaCo.Design (blog)It’s the hubris of the type of person who never wants to change their ways, masked in the false modesty of one pretending that mankind is too small and puny to ever threaten Mother Nature. The truth, though, is that climate change is having…
Tailor-made membranes for the environment — ScienceDaily – Science Daily
Science Daily Tailor-made membranes for the environment — ScienceDailyScience DailyThe combustion of fossil energy carriers in coal and gas power plants produces waste gases that are harmful to the environment. Researchers are working on … and more »
Losses of soil carbon under global warming might equal US emissions – Phys.Org
Phys.Org Losses of soil carbon under global warming might equal US emissionsPhys.OrgFor decades scientists have speculated that rising global temperatures might alter the ability of soils to store carbon, potentially releasing huge amounts of …Ground beneath our feet is poised to make global warming much worse, scientists findFairbanks Daily News-MinerLosses of soil carbon under climate warming…
Cities and States Lead on Climate Change – New York Times
New York Times Cities and States Lead on Climate ChangeNew York TimesIOWA CITY — THE wind turbines that rise out of the cornfields here reminded me on a recent drive of one postelection truth, even in the red state of Iowa. As President-elect Donald J. Trump considers whether to break the United States commitment to…
How Obama's climate change legacy is weakened by US investment in dirty fuel – The Guardian
How Obama’s climate change legacy is weakened by US investment in dirty fuelThe GuardianPresident Barack Obama has staked his legacy on the environment, positioning his administration as the most progressive on climate change in US history. However, an obscure agency within his own administration has quietly spoiled his record by helping … and more »
'Prepared for the worst': Bolivians face historic drought, and global warming could intensify it – Washington Post
Washington Post ‘Prepared for the worst’: Bolivians face historic drought, and global warming could intensify itWashington PostBut the country’s president has insisted the drought is a result of global warming, and had been a long time coming. He lamented the fact that it has taken until now for the country to address the problem, and…
How China's climate revolution can stop global warming – Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Welle How China’s climate revolution can stop global warmingDeutsche WellePresident-elect Donald Trump has said that the US would drop out of the Paris Agreement and he called global warming a “hoax” in 2014 during an extremely cold winter. The scientific community tends to disagree with Trump and 2016 is projected to be the …What President…
Genes, early environment sculpt the gut microbiome – Science Daily
Science Daily Genes, early environment sculpt the gut microbiomeScience Daily“We are starting to tease out the importance of different variables, like diet, genetics, and the environment, on microbes in the gut,” said PNNL’s Janet Jansson, a corresponding author of the study. “It turns out that early life history and genetics … and more »