Climate change expected to make turbulence stronger and more frequent – CNN
CNN Climate change expected to make turbulence stronger and more frequentCNN(CNN) Climate change is expected to affect your life in some surprising ways in the coming decades. From worsening pollen allergies to lowered sex drives, raising the planet’s temperature by continued greenhouse gas emissions has wide ranging impacts … and more »
Government Spending Bill Does Little to Help Environment – AlterNet
AlterNet Government Spending Bill Does Little to Help EnvironmentAlterNetEnvironmental spending is still at historic lows, at a time when problems like climate change are worsening. Anti-environmental riders are still sneaking into must-pass spending bills, demonstrating that polluters still have sway over our elected … and more »
Handstanding Skunks’ DNA Shaped by Ancient Climate Change – Live Science
Live Science Handstanding Skunks’ DNA Shaped by Ancient Climate ChangeLive ScienceWestern spotted skunks — striped skunks’ smaller cousins that stand on their “hands” to blast their smelly defensive spray — are helping scientists piece together a picture of how ancient climate change shaped animal populations millions of years ago …Ancient climate change drove the evolution…
New study defines the environment as an influencer of immune system responses in dolphins – Phys.Org
Phys.Org New study defines the environment as an influencer of immune system responses in dolphinsPhys.OrgHealth and Environmental Risk Assessment (HERA) team members secure an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin while a health exam is performed. Credit: Georgia Aquarium/Addison Hill. Two populations of wild dolphins living off the coast of Florida and South … and more »
Detailed look at the global warming ‘hiatus’ again confirms that humans are changing the climate – Los Angeles Times Detailed look at the global warming ‘hiatus’ again confirms that humans are changing the climateLos Angeles Times“In leaked drafts of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I (WG1) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the global warming hiatus was considered to be consistent with natural variability, and hence not in need of a…
Why the environment must be at the heart of the UK general election – The Guardian
The Guardian Why the environment must be at the heart of the UK general electionThe GuardianWhy the environment must be at the heart of the UK general election. Fears about climate change, air pollution, waste and possible changes to the Hunting Act concern readers from Brian May and Ranulph Fiennes to James Marsden of Much…
Philippine Commission Rejects Nominee for Environment Chief – Wall Street Journal (subscription)
Philippine Commission Rejects Nominee for Environment ChiefWall Street Journal (subscription)MANILA—A Philippine constitutional body rejected the appointment of Gina Lopez as the country’s environment secretary, delivering a blow to President Rodrigo Duterte, who has supported her overhaul of the country’s mining sector. The rejection of Ms.
Philippines Rejects Environment Chief Who Took On Mining Interests – New York Times
New York Times Philippines Rejects Environment Chief Who Took On Mining InterestsNew York TimesCargo trucks carrying wet nickel ore in Surigao del Norte, in the southern Philippines. Gina Lopez, the acting environment secretary, had sought to shut down mining companies accused of violating environmental laws and canceled mining contracts in …Business wins, ‘clobbered’ Philippines environment chief…
How Corporate HQ Can Get More from Innovation Outposts
In March 1848 San Francisco newspaperman Samuel Brannan announced that gold had been found in California. In the gold rush that followed, more than 300,000 people headed to the area to make their fortunes. Over 150 years later, there’s still a gold rush in California — now re-located to Silicon Valley. Even organizations that remain headquartered…
Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise?
One of the most difficult parts of a manager’s job is giving feedback. In a survey of 7,631 people, we asked whether they believed that giving negative feedback was stressful or difficult, and 44% agreed. When talking with managers about giving feedback we often hear comments such as, “I did not sleep the night before,”…