You wake up in the morning with the best intentions to workout but you feel exhausted and stressed for time, so you skip it.
Later that morning you notice a new wrinkle on your face, more dimpled skin on your butt and thighs and feel ashamed of the person looking back at you in the mirror. You truly want to give up when you can’t button your pants that were once your comfortable and loose fitting pants. Yet another pair to put into the “tight pants” pile that seems to be growing bigger each week.
You wake up the next day facing a 45 to 60 minute workout and you simply can’t find the energy or time to do it. Your choose a different pair of pants and though you can button them this time, they cause unbearable muffin top and your favorite shirt is so tight it reveals embarrassing back fat and a stomach pooch. You’re frustrated, late, can’t find anything to wear, and to top it all off – you notice another new wrinkle has appeared on your face that you know was not there the day before.
This cycle repeats itself and the more and more you skip your workouts, the more tired and guilty you feel, the older you look, and the tighter your clothes become.
You feel frustrated, sluggish, and guilty for failing at fat loss
You feel embarrassed by your bulging belly
You can’t wear what you want because of lumpy dimpled cellulite on your butt, hips, and thighs.
Sucking in your belly is exhausting
You can’t button your jeans
You feel and look older each day
Your sex life is nonexistent.