‘Global Warming might be a good thing because more people die in cold snaps’, says ex-Australian Prime Minister – Mirror.co.uk


Global Warming might be a good thing because more people die in cold snaps’, says ex-Australian Prime Minister
The former Prime Minister of Australia has told a meeting of climate sceptics organised by a Tory peer that global warming might be a good thing. In a speech in London, Tony Abbott denied extreme weather events in Australia were any worse than they
Tony Abbott tells climate sceptics forum global warming may be good and climate science is ‘crap’NEWS.com.au
Climate Scientists Attack Tony Abbott’s ‘Misleading’ Speech to Global Warming Policy FoundationDeSmog (blog)
Tony Abbott says global warming probably ‘good’Rockhampton Morning Bulletin
Herald Sun (blog) –The Guardian –Sky News Australia
all 26 news articles »