Right now, take this quick sleep test to find out if you’re getting the sleep you need…
Answer these questions honestly, it’s important for your health…
- Are you making mistakes at work? Are you noticing less-than-stellar or slower performance or a greater number of errors creeping into your work? Lack of sleep may be the culprit…
- Do you feel annoyed a lot of the time? Grumpy? Flying off the handle? or Depressed?
- Do you need an alarm clock (or even two) to get you out of bed?
- How do you feel when you wake up? Feel groggy? Like it’s a struggle to get out of bed?
- How quickly do you fall asleep? Is it almost instant or do you find yourself staring at the ceiling for an eternity?
- How much do you sleep on vacation? Did you sleep in every day or wake early without an alarm clock?
Source: iPromo News