EPA fears 'unprecedented disaster' for environment over Scott Pruitt pick – The Guardian
FiveThirtyEight EPA fears ‘unprecedented disaster’ for environment over Scott Pruitt pickThe GuardianEnvironmental groups have reacted with dismay at the nomination of Pruitt, warning that he will not only tear up much of Obama’s climate legacy but also imperil the reliably clean air and water that Americans have largely enjoyed over the past 40 years.Oklahoma May…
8 charts that show the toll climate change will take on Boston – The Boston Globe
The Boston Globe 8 charts that show the toll climate change will take on BostonThe Boston GlobeCity officials this week released a report that included updated projections of how climate change is expected to impact Boston and outlined ways the city can prevent and brace for the potentially devastating effects. “Boston residents are already …City…
CNN Anchor Denies That Trump EPA Pick Scott Pruitt Has “Denied Global Warming” – Media Matters for America (blog)
Media Matters for America (blog) CNN Anchor Denies That Trump EPA Pick Scott Pruitt Has “Denied Global Warming”Media Matters for America (blog)On the December 8 edition of CNN’s New Day, anchor Alisyn Camerota falsely claimed that President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for EPA administrator, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, “hasn’t denied global warming.” According to Camerota,…
Half the world's species failing to cope with global warming as Earth races towards its sixth mass extinction – The Independent
Half the world’s species failing to cope with global warming as Earth races towards its sixth mass extinctionThe IndependentNearly half the species on the planet are failing to cope with global warming the world has already experienced, according to an alarming new study that suggests the sixth mass extinction of animal life in the Earth’s…
Fake News or Real Science: How We Know Climate Change Is Real – Seeker
Seeker Fake News or Real Science: How We Know Climate Change Is RealSeekerAnd to add to the noise level, people also are being bombarded by the claims of climate–change deniers, which increasingly are echoed by people in high places. Last week, the U.S. House Science, Space and Technology Committee — chaired by Rep.Earnest: ‘Reality’ could…
Message to Trump and state governors: Stop the war on the … – The Hill (blog)
The Hill (blog) Message to Trump and state governors: Stop the war on the …The Hill (blog)In the past decade many state appointed environmental officials orchestrated the degradation of environmental protection. Tens of thousands of American lives … and more »
Leonardo DiCaprio, Trump talk climate change – CNN
CNN Leonardo DiCaprio, Trump talk climate changeCNNOn the same day of his meeting with DiCaprio, Trump tapped Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt — a climate change denier — to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt is an opponent of many of the Obama EPA’s environmental regulations, and …Trump talks climate change with Leo DiCaprioNew York PostLeonardo…
The Brief: Has 'better regulation' hurt the environment? – EurActiv
EurActiv The Brief: Has ‘better regulation’ hurt the environment?EurActivThe European Commission’s better regulation strategy has been described as nothing more than a ploy to cut environmental protection under the guise of slashing red tape. Those fears were raised right at the beginning, two years ago. A BusinessEurope … and more »
Rachel Weber: Forest fires a preview of global warming | News … – News & Observer
Rachel Weber: Forest fires a preview of global warming | News …News & ObserverI can’t help but feel that North Carolina forests are sending us a message. While President Obama’s environmental legacy may very well go up in smoke, one of … and more »
Keeping a sharp eye on the environment from space – Phys.Org
Phys.Org Keeping a sharp eye on the environment from spacePhys.OrgGOES-R (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series) is the first in the latest generation of GOES environmental satellites, operated by NOAA in collaboration with NASA. When it finishes its shakedown period, GOES-R will be able to scan …