Global Warming Aids Gold Miners’ Pursuit Of Cold, Hard Cash In Northern Canada – Forbes
Forbes Global Warming Aids Gold Miners’ Pursuit Of Cold, Hard Cash In Northern CanadaForbesIt’s an uncomfortable topic for some in the mining industry, but global warming is helping to make some of the multimillion-ounce gold deposits once trapped under glaciers and permafrost in or near northern Canada into some of the most attractive … and…
NASA CLAIM: Dying forests are CONTRIBUTING to global warming by emitting CO2 – NASA CLAIM: Dying forests are CONTRIBUTING to global warming by emitting most scientists say that global warming is a byproduct of human activity, particularly in the industrial age, new research has found trees, which are meant to be saving us from doom, are actually contributing to our downfall. Trees are known to …Massive…
Daily Mail retracts global warming article, but did anyone notice … – Boing Boing
Boing Boing Daily Mail retracts global warming article, but did anyone notice …Boing BoingEarlier this year, UK tabloid The Daily Mail, famous for its incompetent fakery, published a bombshell article claiming “World leaders duped by manipulated … and more »
The Senate’s top climate advocate explains why Congress is doing nothing about global warming – Vox
Vox The Senate’s top climate advocate explains why Congress is doing nothing about global warmingVoxThe Senate’s top climate advocate explains why Congress is doing nothing about global warming. “Trajectory points on the horizon aren’t part of our battle”: Sheldon Whitehouse on Democrats’ climate strategy. Updated by Jeff Stein Oct 16, 2017, 8:40am EDT. and more »
Hurricane Ophelia Sheds Light On Another Climate Change Concern – HuffPost
HuffPost Hurricane Ophelia Sheds Light On Another Climate Change ConcernHuffPostKevin Trenberth, a distinguished senior scientist in the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, said it’s not unprecedented for an Atlantic storm to affect Europe ― it happens “every 3 or 4 years or so,” he said … and more »
Going full Doomsday: Reporters must convey the perils of climate change without paralyzing their audience – Columbia Journalism Review
Going full Doomsday: Reporters must convey the perils of climate change without paralyzing their audienceColumbia Journalism ReviewAccording to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, Americans fall into six groups when it comes to climate change: alarmed, concerned, cautious, disengaged, doubtful, and dismissive. I would add a seventh category: panicked. That’s me.
Scientists explore how climate change may affect mental health – Scientists explore how climate change may affect mental healthAccuWeather.comOn the surface, climate change is taking its toll on the environment itself with rising temperatures, disappearing coastlines and destroyed ecosystems. These changes can have an observable effect on people’s physical health, but what about their mental …
Letter: Climate change is upon us – Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake Tribune Letter: Climate change is upon usSalt Lake TribuneClimate change predicts more frequent and more intense weather events as both the atmosphere and sea water continue to warm up more. This is exactly what we are experiencing now, five serious hurricanes in one season, four of which caused major …
Singapore’s Perks, Business-Friendly Environment Lure Showbiz Giants – Variety
Variety Singapore’s Perks, Business-Friendly Environment Lure Showbiz GiantsVarietyA clear legal framework, political stability and a free market economy are what makes Singapore continue to be a conducive environment for international television networks to house their Asian headquarters. Industry insiders say that while the … and more »
High-street outlets move to ditch plastic amid environmental … – The Guardian
The Guardian High-street outlets move to ditch plastic amid environmental …The GuardianA growing number of outlets selling food and drink in the UK are taking action to ditch plastic amid deepening concern about its effect on the environment, with … and more »