KEN MIDKIFF: Local weather isn't a global warming phenomenon — yet – Columbia Missourian
Columbia Missourian KEN MIDKIFF: Local weather isn’t a global warming phenomenon — yetColumbia MissourianThird, global warming is gradual, only a tenth of a degree or so per year. Sudden events, such as extreme heat or heavy snow, cannot be attributed to global warming. Maybe it was 15 degrees today in Bismarck, North Dakota, so 15.1…
5 Reasons It's Dumb To Panic Over Global Warming – Townhall
Townhall 5 Reasons It’s Dumb To Panic Over Global WarmingTownhallThe liberal hysteria over global warming is hard for normal people to comprehend. Leftists don’t worry about deficits or about terrorists who are looking for any way to kill Americans. They don’t care about the health care costs they drove into the …A Timeline of Every…
Climate Scientist Proposes “Red Teams” to Challenge Established Global Warming Science – Big Think
Big Think Climate Scientist Proposes “Red Teams” to Challenge Established Global Warming ScienceBig ThinkThe IPCC is considered one of the world’s most respected authorities on global warming. The idea was proposed at a hearing of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. It’s currently majority Republican. The hearing was entitled, “Climate …Just chillin’craigmedred.newsProfessor Michael Mann…
SCLEP Celebrates 30 Years Of Advocating For The Environment – The Island Connection
The Island Connection SCLEP Celebrates 30 Years Of Advocating For The EnvironmentThe Island ConnectionThe South Carolina Environmental Law Project (SCELP) opened its doors to advocate for “environmental regulation benefiting environmental organizations and concerned citizens” in 1987. The 30 year anniversary alone merited the celebration held on …
Gareth Morgan: Deport freedom campers who foul the environment – Gareth Morgan: Deport freedom campers who foul the Morgan says harsh penalties are needed to send a warning to freedom campers who foul the environment. Gareth Morgan has taken a hard line against freedom campers who foul the environment in an unapologetically robust Twitter exchange. and more »
Unalaska teen: If you like sushi, take care of the environment – KTOO
KTOO Unalaska teen: If you like sushi, take care of the environmentKTOOAcross the state, a cohort of young Alaskans is raising awareness about the rapidly changing Arctic environment. Cade Terada is one of 22 Arctic Youth Ambassadors. Growing up in Unalaska, America’s largest fishing port, he was immersed in the seafood …
Global warming fail: Study finds melting sea ice is actually helping Arctic animals – Global warming fail: Study finds melting sea ice is actually helping Arctic animalsTheBlaze.comProponents of the theory humans are primarily responsible for rising global temperatures long claimed wildlife are harmed significantly by global warming, and that unless mankind stops producing significant amounts of carbon-dioxide emissions, the …Global warming may explain Arctic’s green iceThe Indian ExpressThere’s…
Chris Wallace absolutely hammers Trump EPA chief on environment – Shareblue Media
Shareblue Media Chris Wallace absolutely hammers Trump EPA chief on environmentShareblue MediaEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt unexpectedly met with strong pushback when Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace grilled him on Donald Trump’s executive order gutting the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, and …Leaked draft of Donald Trump’s plan for environmental agency shows even…
Trump EPA chief: Humans contribute to global warming, but how much? – Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner Trump EPA chief: Humans contribute to global warming, but how much?Washington ExaminerPruitt called for the U.S. to determine the amount people and companies have contributed to global warming, including the use and output of carbon dioxide and methane, an update of a previous comment he had made minimizing the impact of human activity.EPA…
Illegal pot farmers use dangerous chemicals that threaten the … – Washington Post
Washington Post Illegal pot farmers use dangerous chemicals that threaten the …Washington profiles wildlife biologist Mourad Gabriel. and more »