A Weaker EPA May Not Mean The Environment Goes To Hell – FiveThirtyEight
FiveThirtyEight A Weaker EPA May Not Mean The Environment Goes To HellFiveThirtyEightPoliticians in the United States and Russia have taken steps, at various points, to curb the power of their countries’ centralized environmental regulatory agencies, roll back national environmental protections or cut the funding necessary for …HUGHES: Threats to environment are threats to national securityMarquette…
To Curb Global Warming, Science Fiction May Become Fact – New York Times
New York Times To Curb Global Warming, Science Fiction May Become FactNew York TimesIn the delirious sci-fi thriller by the Korean director Bong Joon-ho, an attempt to engineer the climate and stop global warming goes horribly wrong. The planet freezes. Only the passengers on a train endlessly circumnavigating the globe survive. Those … and more »
Global Warming Is Driving People Crazy – Daily Caller
Global Warming Is Driving People CrazyDaily CallerWell, now we know what happened to Dorothy Gale. If you don’t believe that global warming causes mental illness, then how do you explain all the mainstream news stories about global warming? No sane person gets that worked up about the weather.
House Democrats urge teachers to trash book by climate scientists on global-warming dissent – Washington Times
Washington Times House Democrats urge teachers to trash book by climate scientists on global–warming dissentWashington TimesThree ranking House Democrats on Monday urged teachers to throw away copies of a book written by climate scientists challenging the catastrophic global–warming view, saying the nation’s schools are “inappropriate” forums for such a discussion.Liberals seek K-12 ban on book…
California and Scotland join forces to fight climate change – CNBC
CNBC California and Scotland join forces to fight climate changeCNBCThe Government of California and the Scottish Government have signed a joint agreement which sees them commit to work with one another to fight climate change. The agreement was signed on Monday by Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and the …Scotland & California Sign Partnership To Tackle…
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A Conversation on How Images Help Us Understand Climate Change – Hyperallergic
A Conversation on How Images Help Us Understand Climate ChangeHyperallergicUnlike our president, the majority of US citizens believe that climate change is happening. But, as with so many global issues, it’s hard for us to comprehend the on-the-ground reality of something so vast and seemingly nebulous. According to new data …Surely Climate Catastrophists Have a Better…
Climate Change Is Stressing Us Out – Lifehacker
Lifehacker Climate Change Is Stressing Us OutLifehackerClimate change is definitely happening, but it’s doing more than warming up the planet—it’s also affecting our well-being. A new report from the American Psychological Association explains how climate change is gradually taking a toll on our mental …We need to talk about “ecoanxiety”: Climate change is causing PTSD,…
Court Gives Glaciers Human Rights Because Global Warming – Daily Caller
Court Gives Glaciers Human Rights Because Global WarmingDaily CallerAn Indian court declared Himalayan glaciers “legal persons” under law in a bid to save them from global warming. The court’s two judges claimed Indian law must gives glaciers “living entity” status to keep them from melting. “The rights of these … and more »
These stunning timelapse photos may just convince you about climate change – Washington Post
Washington Post These stunning timelapse photos may just convince you about climate changeWashington PostMelting glaciers, from Greenland to Antarctica, have become symbols of global warming — and monitoring their retreat is one major way scientists are keeping tabs on the progress of climate change. Now, scientists are trying to bring the issue a little …Climate…