The South China Sea: A Looming Environmental Disaster? – The National Interest Online (blog)
The National Interest Online (blog) The South China Sea: A Looming Environmental Disaster?The National Interest Online (blog)Most of the attention in the South China Sea has focused on China’s military activities. But the impending natural disaster there is also cause for concern. As a recent report makes clear there’s been significant coral loss due to…
Warm weather could give way to frequent lightning and hail: Environment Canada – CP24 Toronto's Breaking News
CP24 Toronto’s Breaking News Warm weather could give way to frequent lightning and hail: Environment CanadaCP24 Toronto’s Breaking NewsToronto is enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures today but the weather could take a turn for the worst later this afternoon. Environment Canada has issued a special weather statement for Toronto and the GTA, warning of the possibility…
Legendary Climate Scientist Likes a GOP Proposal on Global Warming – Scientific American
Scientific American Legendary Climate Scientist Likes a GOP Proposal on Global WarmingScientific AmericanDonald Trump issued a major executive order last week that, if successful, could undercut the nation’s fight against global warming. In particular, the order kicks off an attempt to dismantle the Clean Power Plan, which regulates carbon emissions from …Senator slams book burners…
There is still time to reverse some of the worst effects of global warming – Quartz
Quartz There is still time to reverse some of the worst effects of global warmingQuartzGlobal warming has a PR problem. “Climate change is too slow a problem to solve in time,” as one expert puts it. Emissions we put out today won’t have much effect on the world for decades to come, so the issue…
China may take lead on fighting climate change – Washington Times
TIME China may take lead on fighting climate changeWashington TimesWith climate change seemingly absent from the agenda, the weekend meeting between President Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping underscored that the U.S. has all but abandoned its status as the international leader on global warming and …Climate Change: Trump Must Curb Carbon Emissions by 2020…
“Preparing parents:” Universal Baby Box program offers education, safe sleep environment for newborns – “Preparing parents:” Universal Baby Box program offers education, safe sleep environment for“What this is doing is giving parents a way to have a safe sleep environment and also providing them with education, because not everybody knows what to do with a baby when they bring them home from the hospital and this is…
Tsongas: The cost of climate change inaction and denial – Wicked Local Wellesley
Wicked Local Wellesley Tsongas: The cost of climate change inaction and denialWicked Local WellesleyScience backs her up, in particular when it comes to climate change. The vast majority of the scientific community tells us that threat is real, is caused by human activity, and could have devastating effects all over the world for this and…
New global warming study is terrible news for alarmists, good news for plants, animals and people – New global warming study is terrible news for alarmists, good news for plants, animals and peopleTheBlaze.comNew global warming study is terrible news for alarmists, good news for plants, animals A new study published in the highly influential journal Nature suggests rising global temperatures during the 19th and 20th centuries may be linked to greater…
Senator slams book burners protecting global warming 'hoax' – Senator slams book burners protecting global warming ‘hoax’WND.comIt explains how the environmental extremists have co-opted global warming to accomplish all their liberal dreams. It is extremely disappointing that some of my colleagues in the House have asked teachers to destroy a book solely because they don’t like …Democrats Lose Argument, Try to Burn BooksPower…
How frozen farmers' fields are an unexpected culprit in climate change, according to a new study – National Post
National Post How frozen farmers’ fields are an unexpected culprit in climate change, according to a new studyNational PostAnd — suggests a new Canadian study — making an unexpectedly large contribution to greenhouse gasses and climate change. Strange as it might seem, the thawing of frozen cropland burps nitrous oxide into the atmosphere at rates…