Is No Place Safe? Climate Change Denialists Seek to Sway Science Teachers – Common Dreams
Common Dreams Is No Place Safe? Climate Change Denialists Seek to Sway Science TeachersCommon DreamsThis wasn’t Heartland’s first unsolicited mailing of climate change denial material to science teachers, and judging from the reactions we’ve seen, teachers haven’t been fooled by this outing. But here is how we’re advising science teachers to explain … and more »
EPA head: Obama created false choice ‘between jobs and the environment’ – The Hill
The Hill EPA head: Obama created false choice ‘between jobs and the environment‘The HillEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt said Thursday that Americans don’t have to pick between jobs and the environment, accusing the Obama administration of making people believe they had to choose. “The president has sent a …Scott Pruitt touts anti-environment agenda from…
Report: Global Warming, Sea Level Rise Could Impact California Coastline – Breitbart News
Breitbart News Report: Global Warming, Sea Level Rise Could Impact California CoastlineBreitbart NewsA new state-commissioned report on the effect of global warming (a.k.a. “climate change”) on sea levels have concluded that the impacts on the California coastline could be disproportionate, with local sea levels rising 1.25 feet for every one-foot … and more »
LETTER: Science not settled on global warming – Asbury Park Press
Asbury Park Press LETTER: Science not settled on global warmingAsbury Park PressAnyone predisposed to panic over global warming would have found ample confirmation in the April 5 letter “Global warming debate shouldn’t be politicized.” The problem is the the letter is full of misrepresentations. The notion that 97 percent of …
Why John B.’s Climate Change Obsession in S-Town Is So Unsettling – Slate Magazine (blog)
Slate Magazine (blog) Why John B.’s Climate Change Obsession in S-Town Is So UnsettlingSlate Magazine (blog)Another cause, or perhaps a focus, of John’s depression is climate change. Reed devotes a substantial amount of time to his subject’s preoccupation, though not as much as John B. devoted to it during his life. When asked on the…
Where climate change is making Americans sick – – CNN
CNN Where climate change is making Americans sick – CNN.comCNNWhat’s the most common climate-related health risk where you live? A recent report maps how climate change is threatening our health across the United States. and more »
Make Passive Income Money From Home and Internet online
Financial Intelligence involves the method of making money even while you sleep; its called Passive Income. You make your money work for you, serve you 24hrs a day and 7days every week. Essentially, it means that you are no longer trading ‘time for money’. In conventional employment, you need to work a set number of hours…
Guest column: Public worry about global warming heats up – The Advocate
The Advocate Guest column: Public worry about global warming heats upThe AdvocateGlobal warming is stirring more public worry these days. And it’s happening at a time when the government’s focus is shifting away. Climate change has been barely mentioned in recent presidential elections. Consequently, there have been no mandates for … and more »
Whats Your Experience With These Diets?
We all love a well manicured body, but we all love our foods more. We are then caught-up by the food-shape controversy. Losing and gaining weight has become a major concern to modern humans, and Dieting has become a multi-million-dollar industry. There is also the battle of the sexes; Men seem to prefer skinny women…
Climate change dominates U.S. Rep. Justin Amash's 8th town hall – Climate change dominates U.S. Rep. Justin Amash’s 8th town hallMLive.comBYRON CENTER, MI – In a departure from recent events hosted by U.S. Rep. Justin Amash, R-Cascade Township, his 8th town hall of the year featured one common discussion point: climate change and global warming. The town hall, held at the Van Singel … and more »