For the first time on record, human-caused climate change has rerouted an entire river – The Sydney Morning Herald
The Sydney Morning Herald For the first time on record, human-caused climate change has rerouted an entire riverThe Sydney Morning HeraldA team of scientists have documented what they’re describing as the first case of large-scale river reorganisation as a result of human-caused climate change. They found that in mid-2016, the retreat of a very large…
POLL: Americans See Dems As The Party Of Global Warming And Abortion – Daily Caller
POLL: Americans See Dems As The Party Of Global Warming And AbortionDaily CallerAmericans overwhelmingly point to the environment and abortion as two policies areas Democrats “do a better job” than Republicans, according to newly-released polling data. “More say the Democratic Party could do a better job than the GOP when it comes … and more »
UGA study: Global warming could grow Atlanta’s population – Atlanta Business Chronicle
UGA study: Global warming could grow Atlanta’s populationAtlanta Business ChronicleAlready fast-growing Atlanta could be in for a major influx of new residents if the dire predictions about global warming come true. More than 13 million coastal residents could be displaced by rising ocean waters during the coming century, according … and more »
UW study: First modern case of “river piracy” observed; Global Warming blamed – KOMO News (blog)
KOMO News (blog) UW study: First modern case of “river piracy” observed; Global Warming blamedKOMO News (blog)WASHINGTON (AP) – Scientists have witnessed the first modern case of what they call “river piracy” and they blame global warming. Most of the water gushing from a large glacier in northwest Canada last year suddenly switched from one…
Safeguarding The Environment In Mining Development Projects – Global News Network
Global News Network Safeguarding The Environment In Mining Development ProjectsGlobal News NetworkSafeguarding the Environment in Mining Development gives a description of the role the extractive industry plays in the economic sector of most developing countries. It also describes the activities of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) in this sector …
Bearing Witness to Climate Change – Scientific American (blog)
Scientific American (blog) Bearing Witness to Climate ChangeScientific American (blog)I am an artist devoted to communicating issues of climate change through my practice. For the past decade, I’ve been documenting the dramatic disappearance of glaciers in large-scale series of paintings and photographs developed in close collaboration … and more »
Here’s Something: The real threat is ‘Big Environment’ – The Forecaster
The Forecaster Here’s Something: The real threat is ‘Big Environment‘The ForecasterWhile I’m no expert in climate change, I know the environment is a huge political football. There was a time when environmentalists were on the outside looking in. Now, Big Environment (yes, they’re as big and powerful as Big Oil) seems to be the …
‘Drawdown’ and global warming’s hopeful new math – GreenBiz
GreenBiz ‘Drawdown’ and global warming’s hopeful new mathGreenBizDrawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (Penguin Books), was edited by the author and entrepreneur Paul Hawken along with a self-described “coalition” of research fellows, writers and advisors. (Full disclosure: …
Humans on the verge of causing Earth’s fastest climate change in 50m years – The Guardian
The Guardian Humans on the verge of causing Earth’s fastest climate change in 50m yearsThe GuardianThe authors found that on our current path, by mid-century humans will be causing the fastest climate change in approximately 50 million years, and if we burn all available fossil fuels, we’ll cause the fastest change in the entire 420…
Gauging the Trump effect on energy, the environment and land in the West – Las Vegas Sun
Washington Post Gauging the Trump effect on energy, the environment and land in the WestLas Vegas SunRock formations are shown Feb. 23 in the Little Finland area of Gold Butte National Monument. Designated by then-President Barack Obama, the 300,000-acre reserve in Southern Nevada is a flashpoint of political tension over federal environmental policy.Industry suggestions to…