Parking, environment dominate Ramsey gun range hearing – Parking, environment dominate Ramsey gun range hearingNorthJersey.comLyman said the project will not require permits from the state Department of Environmental Protection, because the proposal will reduce the property’s current drainage by reducing impervious coverage. Board member Joe Carey said there is “a lot of …
Ask Amy: Worker describes toxic work environment – The Denver Post
The Denver Post Ask Amy: Worker describes toxic work environmentThe Denver PostDear Amy: I work in a toxic environment, and my boss hates me. He talks about how he wanted someone else in my position, and is upset that he didn’t get to pick the person he wanted for the job. He goes out of…
The word on global warming: ‘It’s happening, it’s arrived’ – Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Sarasota Herald-Tribune The word on global warming: ‘It’s happening, it’s arrived’Sarasota Herald-TribunePresident Donald Trump boards Air Force One in Milwaukee on Tuesday. The White House postponed a meeting Tuesday during which top aides were to have hashed out differences on what to do about the non-binding international deal to reduce …
Weather disasters from climate change are pushing some companies to Amazon’s cloud, says CTO – CNBC
CNBC Weather disasters from climate change are pushing some companies to Amazon’s cloud, says CTOCNBCSome clients are signing on for a different reason: climate change. From New Jersey to Japan, massive storms and earthquakes in recent years have instantly wiped out technical infrastructures, leaving businesses unable to retrieve critical data. Amazon … and more »
Climate change – playing the blame game? – Irish Times
Climate change – playing the blame game?Irish TimesRather than accepting the reality of Ireland’s responsibility towards collective efforts on climate change, Mr Naughten argues that the targets set out are too ambitious. I can assure you that “ambition” is the last word I would use to describe Ireland …
Study shows that climate change will bring thousands of Floridians to New York – Time Out New York (blog)
Time Out New York (blog) Study shows that climate change will bring thousands of Floridians to New YorkTime Out New York (blog)A new study published in Nature Climate Change by University of Georgia geographer Mathew Hauer looks into where people will migrate when their waterfront dwellings are no longer habitable, and it isn’t exactly pretty.…
Driverless cars could either be ‘scary’ or great for the environment – PRI
PRI Driverless cars could either be ‘scary’ or great for the environmentPRIWashington, DC, at rush hour. Self-driving cars could make congestion worse, depending on how we use them. Credit: Joshua Roberts, Reuters. Of all the questions swirling around the rise of self-driving cars, from how safe they’ll be to how we regulate … and more »
How climate change dried up a Canadian glacier river in a matter of days – Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Monitor How climate change dried up a Canadian glacier river in a matter of daysChristian Science MonitorThe scientists determined that the climate–change related receding of the Kaskawulsh Glacier, the source of Slims River, was responsible for the sudden disappearance. In a study released Tuesday, the researchers noted that the glacier had shrunk to…
Global warming – Hastings Tribune
Sputnik International Global warmingHastings TribuneSteve Halloran was asked at his April 8 meeting with constituents for his position on global warming in the face of concerns from a majority of climate scientists. Halloran said that he did not believe in the human power to affect the environment and …Don’t believe the misinformation about global warmingSeacoastonline.comGlobal…
Conservatives should hope Michael Bloomberg’s global warming book becomes a best-seller – Washington Examiner
Conservatives should hope Michael Bloomberg’s global warming book becomes a best-sellerWashington ExaminerNo doubt, few noticed today when the former vice president called Michael Bloomberg’s new global warming book “an inspiring must read.” Still, they should consider picking up a copy. Of course, they won’t like the premise, the environmental science, or …