Bacteria May Destroy Banned Antimicrobial Agent Lingering in the Environment – R & D Magazine
R & D Magazine Bacteria May Destroy Banned Antimicrobial Agent Lingering in the EnvironmentR & D MagazineResearchers have found that bacteria can help counteract triclosan—a widely used antimicrobial products that has been one of the top environmental contaminants since the 1960’s. Triclosan is known to disrupt the nedocrine systems of wildlife and … and more »
Dow Chemical Asks Trump Officials to Ignore Damning Pesticide Reports – Fortune
Fortune Dow Chemical Asks Trump Officials to Ignore Damning Pesticide ReportsFortuneDow Chemical asked three high-ranking Trump administration officials to ignore government scientists’ own studies about the environmental risks posed by a major class of pesticides, according to the Associated Press. The AP got its hands on letters … and more »
Climate change could fuel the global rise of terrorism – New York Post
ThinkProgress Climate change could fuel the global rise of terrorismNew York Post“As the climate is changing, so too are the conditions within which non-state armed groups such as Boko Haram and ISIS operate,” according to the report commissioned by the German government. “Climate change contributes to creating a fragile …Climate change will fuel terrorism, report warnsThinkProgress‘Climate…
Stress yourself out with this coloring book about climate change … – The Verge
The Verge Stress yourself out with this coloring book about climate change …The VergeColoring books are supposed to calm your nerves and help you unplug from the daily hustle. But this Kickstarter campaign wants to bring you a coloring book …For Your Next Adult Coloring Book, Shade In Data On Climate ChangeFast Company all 2 news…
Climate Change As Genocide: Inaction Equals Annihilation – Huffington Post
Huffington Post Climate Change As Genocide: Inaction Equals AnnihilationHuffington PostHere’s the question I think we all should be asking: Is this what a world battered by climate change will be like ― one in which tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of people perish from disease, starvation, and heat prostration while the rest ……
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Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the system of systematically enriching websites, webpages and articles to enable them show up on search engines after a user searches for related terms and keywords. It involves making changes to the webpage or article’s title and top paragraphs; by adding required and targeted keywords to make it easily…
7 Secret Ways To Generate Traffic To Your Products and Services Websites and Online Stores
We will help you to sell your products on Internet marketplaces including Craigslist, Facebook, Ebay, Amazon, Offerup, Letgo, Close5, Etsy, Bonanza, Rakuten and Sears etc. We will help setup Online Ads for your products and services including Google, Bing, Facebok, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. We will conduct SEO and SEM for your Website and online…
How To Generate Free Online Traffic For Your Brand; Products and Services
Wondering why your are not making good sales? Wondering why your brand is not performing well in the marketplace, even though your products and services are better than your competition? Your Products and services are swallowed up by your competition because they spend so much time and funds in their brand promotion. They have gigantic…
March breaks new global warming record despite absence of El Nino effect – The Independent
The Independent March breaks new global warming record despite absence of El Nino effectThe IndependentIn a report, NOAA said: “The combined global average temperature over the land and ocean surfaces for March 2017 was 1.05C above the 20th-century average of 12.7C. “This was the second highest for March since global temperature records began in …Report: Can’t…
Bay Area air-quality agency tackles climate change – SFGate
SFGate Bay Area air-quality agency tackles climate changeSFGateThe Bay Area’s little-known pollution control district jumped into the fight against climate change Wednesday with a first-of-its-kind regional plan that promises big changes in residents’ daily lives. With calls for charging tolls to drive on freeways … and more »