Full Sail embraces star supporting role at Florida Film Festival
If the Florida Film Festival gave an award for most important supporting player, Full Sail University would win this year. It would have taken the prize the past 13 years as well. The for-profit university near Winter Park has been the festival’s primary sponsor all that time. It contributed more… Source: iPromo News
Fountain flag — or is it a whale? Panel asks for more input, voting
Facing concerns that the people’s choice for Orlando’s new flag looks to some like a surfacing whale, a panel of experts opted Friday to ask for tweaks to the four most popular designs and another round of public voting. The top design, which with 1,474 votes led its closest rivals by more than… Source:…
2 arrested in fatal shooting outside I-Drive nightclub, cops say
Two people were arrested in a fatal shooting outside an International Drive nightclub last month, according to Orlando police. The arrests come a month after the March 21 shooting that killed 17-year-old Terron McCarty at LUX Ultra Lounge, police said. A 17-year-old boy, whom the Orlando Sentinel… Source: iPromo News
Trump’s Border Wall ‘Catastrophic’ for Environment, Endangered Species: Activists – NBCNews.com
NBCNews.com Trump’s Border Wall ‘Catastrophic’ for Environment, Endangered Species: ActivistsNBCNews.comBut during almost two years of heated debate over the wall, there has been an often overlooked issue — the potentially “catastrophic” environmental toll the wall could have on the hundreds of species that span the frontier, activists say. “This would …Foreign Species – Environmental Conservation…
Strong advocate for environment needed | Column – Green Bay Press Gazette
Green Bay Press Gazette Strong advocate for environment needed | ColumnGreen Bay Press GazetteThe U.S. is in desperate need of another Gaylord Nelson, former Wisconsin governor and U.S. senator and the founder of Earth Day. Nelson said, “The most important environmental issue is one that is rarely mentioned and that is the lack of a…
March for Science: Trump’s environmental policies turn scientists to political activists – OCRegister
OCRegister March for Science: Trump’s environmental policies turn scientists to political activistsOCRegisterTens of thousands of people are expected to participate this weekend in environment-oriented marches at the Washington Mall and around the country. Above, members of the scientific community, environmental advocates, and supporters demonstrate …Sierra Club: Stand up to Trump’s war on the environment this Earth…
7 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Help the Environment – SELF
SELF 7 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Help the EnvironmentSELFIf you’re looking for easy, affordable ways to help the environment, we’re here to help. There are some ridiculously quick things that can be done every single day to help save the forests, animals, and planet. You already know to recycle and use …3 Easy Ways to…
#CuriousGoat: Will Climate Change Help Ticks And Mosquitoes Spread Disease? – NPR
#CuriousGoat: Will Climate Change Help Ticks And Mosquitoes Spread Disease?NPRTo learn how climate change could alter the course of tick- and mosquito-borne diseases, we talked to two scientists who have devoted a major chunk of their careers to answering that question. Let’s start with the bloodsuckers that can stay on your … and more »
Science, climate change marches planned – Sun Sentinel – Sun Sentinel
Science, climate change marches planned – Sun SentinelSun SentinelPresident Donald Trump’s policies on science and climate change are motivating activists to Saturday marches. and more »
One Easy Way for Restaurants to Be Better for the Environment – Eater – Eater
Eater One Easy Way for Restaurants to Be Better for the Environment – EaterEater… • In honor of Earth Day (which is tomorrow, April 22), the masterminds behind ZeroFoodprint — a nonprofit organization that “believes chefs and restaurants … and more »