How Banks Can Compete Against an Army of Fintech Startups
It’s been more than 25 years since Bill Gates dismissed retail banks as “dinosaurs,” but the statement may be as true today as it was then. Banking for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been astonishingly unaffected by the rise of the Internet. To the extent that banks have digitized, they have focused on the…
What Separates Goals We Achieve from Goals We Don’t
The importance of delaying gratification is universally recognized. Being able to forgo immediate benefits in order to achieve larger goals in the future is viewed as a key skill. For example, consider the classic “marshmallow test” experiment: children’s ability to delay eating one marshmallow so that they can get two marshmallows later is linked to…
If You Think Downsizing Might Save Your Company, Think Again
During the Great Recession of 2008, companies around the world downsized their workforces. American firms alone laid off more than 8 million workers from the end of 2008 to the middle of 2010. Even in healthier financial times, such as now, firms often downsize because it is seen as a way to reduce costs, adjust structures,…
An Early Warning System for Your Team’s Stress Level
Cat Yu for HBR “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!” This had always been Michel’s response when his senior executives started “wilting under pressure” and letting him down. As the CEO of a global oil company who had risen through the ranks, Michel had faced many stressful events on off-shore…
The C-Suite and IT Need to Get on the Same Page on Cybersecurity
A recently published global survey of C-Suite level executives and IT Decision Makers (ITDMs) revealed a large gap in assessments of cyber threats, costs and areas of responsibilities. Among the most significant disconnects: 80% of the executives surveyed in the U.S. believe cybersecurity to be a significant challenge facing their business, while only 50% of…
The Real Deal of Sales is Live!
Last week I told you I started a sales channel for sales people that was all about the experience of selling. I’m going around the country talking to sales people and finding out what they think about their jobs and what they like and don’t like. I’m pumped about this venture in partnership with Hubspot.…
On the Environment, the Greatest Story Seldom Told – InsideSources
On the Environment, the Greatest Story Seldom ToldInsideSourcesAlmost half the country, according to a Gallup poll last month, worries a great deal about the quality of the environment. An additional third worry a fair amount. And why wouldn’t people worry? It seems that almost every day a new concern about …
Fresh water environment report welcomed – (press release)
Fresh water environment report (press release)The Our Fresh Water 2017 report released today confirms the direction of the Government’s reforms for improving the management of fresh water, Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith says. “This is the first comprehensive and independent report on the state … and more »
Minnesotans Take Climate Change Message To Washington – CBS Minnesota / WCCO
CBS Minnesota / WCCO Minnesotans Take Climate Change Message To WashingtonCBS Minnesota / WCCOMINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Minnesotans worried about global climate change will be sending a powerful message to President Trump. The first of five buses departed Wednesday to take part this weekend’s World Climate March in Washington, D.C.. and more »
Northwestern Expert Devises Method for Quantifying Impact of … – Chicago Tonight | WTTW
Chicago Tonight | WTTW Northwestern Expert Devises Method for Quantifying Impact of …Chicago Tonight | WTTWA study co-authored by Northwestern University climate expert Daniel Horton outlines a framework for measuring the impact of global warming on extreme …Record-breaking weather is being driven by global warming, scientists sayThe IndependentGlobal warming blamed for record-breaking weather worldwide, scientists sayUSA…