Dear Business Owner, Do you have an excellent product but do not have excellent sales? Have you exhausted your marketing and advertising budget and still no sales? We have a SOLUTION for your Products – You need iPromosmedia as a PARTNER. iPromosMedia is a Media firm specializing in Publishing, Web Development, Advertising, Marketing & Sales. We are an…
Citing Uruguay’s ‘inspiring’ record on environment, UN expert says country must do more – UN News Centre
UN News Centre Citing Uruguay’s ‘inspiring’ record on environment, UN expert says country must do moreUN News Centre2 May 2017 – Uruguay has much to be proud of in its record on human rights and the environment, but the South American country still has some challenges ahead, including the setting up of an environment ombudsperson,…
Newly rediscovered TV documentary warned the world about global warming in 1981 – The Independent
The Independent Newly rediscovered TV documentary warned the world about global warming in 1981The IndependentBroadcast on 8 December, 1981 — after an episode of Brideshead Revisited and before a discussion of Lord Soper’s favourite hymns — the documentary contained expert predictions that the average global temperature could rise by two to three degrees …
Support the Guardian’s climate change reporting: make a contribution now – The Guardian
The Guardian Support the Guardian’s climate change reporting: make a contribution nowThe Guardian“The environment barely exists as a political issue in many developed countries, and there are climate change deniers in the White House,” the Guardian’s editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner, wrote in a recent email to staff announcing the appointments …
Stop Focusing on Profitability and Go for Growth
The global financial crisis prompted many companies to pull in their horns, hoard cash, trim costs, and take a wary view of large investments. Yet the same crisis ushered in a new age of capital superabundance. Bain & Company’s Macro Trends Group carefully analyzed the global balance sheet and found that the world is awash…
The Debate on Corporate Tax Reform Just Started for Real
President Trump’s announcement of his proposed tax reforms, as skeletal as it was, is better news than most commentators have suggested. First, it signals that the administration is coming to the view that tax reform is the most important agenda item for the first term — and that is great news. Second, the fact that the…
Why My Company Serves Free Breakfast to All Employees
Each morning from 8:30 to 9:05 AM at our company’s headquarters, in San Francisco, we serve free breakfast to every employee. And I’m not talking about stale muffins and dry bagels. Today I ate a sloppy joe, cheesy scrambled eggs, home fries, crispy bacon, and sausage links. Healthy, I know. Tomorrow, I’m definitely going to grab a yogurt and…
Whiteboard Session: The Business Case for Sustainability
Account for the intangibles. Source: iPromoNews; Local and Social Networks Marketing & Advertising for Small Business The post Whiteboard Session: The Business Case for Sustainability appeared first on iPromoNews; Local and Social Networks Marketing & Advertising for Small Business.
Why We’re So Hypocritical About Online Privacy
Social psychologists have known for decades that the relationship between attitudes and behaviors is complex, if not weak. This is true online as well as offline. For example, though you may be irritated by the retargeting ads that follow you around the web, it probably hasn’t changed your online shopping behavior. By the same token, the widespread anger…
How To Build a Multimillion-Dollar Mobile Device Charging Business
What does it take to come up with a business idea while fishing and turn it into a multimillion-dollar business? Joe Mecca and his brother Paul founded KwiKBoost in 2010. The Dallas, Texas based company makes mobile device charging stations. Kwikboost charging stations have charged 20 million mobile devices at universities, car dealerships, hospitals, bars,…