Growing evidence points to solar activity over carbon dioxide as climate change culprit – LifeZette
LifeZette Growing evidence points to solar activity over carbon dioxide as climate change culpritLifeZetteWhen it comes to the global warming debate, both alarmists and critics agree on one thing: The earth has warmed by roughly 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past 150 years. It’s the cause of this warming, however, that remains in dispute. And…
Google Marks World Environment Day 2017 With a Green Doodle – TIME
EcoWatch Google Marks World Environment Day 2017 With a Green DoodleTIMESince it was launched in 1974, World Environment Day has become a global platform for public outreach on environmental issues. Today, over 143 countries participate annually, with the support of major corporations, NGOs, communities, governments and …10 Tweets Worth Reading on World Environment DayEcoWatchStatement by the…
Most Americans support government regulation to fight climate change. Including in Pittsburgh. – Washington Post
Washington Post Most Americans support government regulation to fight climate change. Including in Pittsburgh.Washington PostOn Thursday, President Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. In doing so, Trump said that he was “elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.” Trump also vowed to put cities such as Youngstown…
World Environment Day 2017: What you can do today to save the planet – Metro
Metro World Environment Day 2017: What you can do today to save the planetMetroThe World Environment Day website explains: ‘In recent decades, scientific advances as well as growing environmental problems such as global warming are helping us to understand the countless ways in which natural systems support our own prosperity …World Environment Day 2017: Student Body…
World Environment Day to be launched today – Loop PNG
Loop PNG World Environment Day to be launched todayLoop PNGThe United Nations Global Theme for the 2017 World Environment Day is, “Connecting People to Nature”, which was further translated down to a national theme, which is “Appreciate and Conserve our Land and our Seas”. Huge supporter of World …
Aides, cabinet members repeatedly punt on question of whether Trump believes in climate change – CNBC
CNBC Aides, cabinet members repeatedly punt on question of whether Trump believes in climate changeCNBCIn media appearances, several of the president’s surrogates have also evaded the question, following Trump’s decision to exit the international accord aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said on …To fight climate change,…
Govt renews pledge to Paris pact, environment – Business Standard
Business Standard Govt renews pledge to Paris pact, environmentBusiness StandardConnecting people to nature. That is the theme the UN has chosen for the World Environment Day this year. This is how the UN suggests we celebrate it. It “implores us to get outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and its importance, and to…
Facebook aims to be a ‘hostile environment’ for terror as May calls for new Internet rules – CNBC
CNBC Facebook aims to be a ‘hostile environment‘ for terror as May calls for new Internet rulesCNBCWe want Facebook to be a hostile environment for terrorists.” Facebook has faced criticism following a recent string of violent acts broadcast on its social network. Some accuse the company of failing to tackle terrorist recruitment and hate propaganda…
Trump team is ‘tongue-tied’ on climate change because ‘the truth is still inconvenient’: Al Gore – ABC News Trump team is ‘tongue-tied’ on climate change because ‘the truth is still inconvenient’: Al GoreABC NewsPresident Trump’s administration is coming off as “tongue-tied and confused” about climate change because “the truth is still inconvenient” for companies and industries that emit heavy emissions that contribute to global warming, former Vice President …Watch: Chris Wallace confronts…
Farmers on the Nile are going back to school to combat climate change – Quartz
Farmers on the Nile are going back to school to combat climate changeQuartzSitting on the floor with tens of colleagues at a makeshift outdoor classroom in the Upper Egyptian governorate of Assiut, Ragab Ibrahim looks impressed with how the group’s lecturer has offered solutions to most of his farming woes. Realizing that …