Don’t ignore young people – we’re key to fighting climate change – The Guardian
The Guardian Don’t ignore young people – we’re key to fighting climate changeThe GuardianYoung people aren’t a “nice to have” when it comes to sustainability action and climate change. We’re 27% of the global population – how we choose to work, eat, drink and spend our money will change the whole ballgame. Take the United…
Canadian climate change study cancelled because of climate change – Canadian climate change study cancelled because of climate“The Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen has cancelled the first leg of the 2017 Expedition due to complications associated with the southward motion of hazardous Arctic sea ice, caused by climate change,” a release from the U of M said.Climate change forces cancellation of Arctic climate…
Man-Made Global Warming: Not So Man-Made, Not So Warm – The Daily Caller
Breitbart News Man-Made Global Warming: Not So Man-Made, Not So WarmThe Daily CallerPresident Donald Trump took The United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement for economic reasons, but there would have been an equally compelling climate reason for saying so long. Opinions abound with the topic of global warming as some believe …Maley letter: Global…
Namesake of Miami’s new Frost science museum is a skeptic of man-made climate change – Miami Herald
Miami Herald Namesake of Miami’s new Frost science museum is a skeptic of man-made climate changeMiami HeraldThe namesake and single largest booster of Miami’s new $305 million science museum believes that man’s effect on climate change remains unproven and wants to cut through what he sees an “almost religious” fervor around the topic. Phillip Frost,…
Climate Change Has Made Heat Waves Much More Deadly, Mainly for the Poor – MIT Technology Review
MIT Technology Review Climate Change Has Made Heat Waves Much More Deadly, Mainly for the PoorMIT Technology ReviewNew Delhi, in the north of India, is projected to be among the hardest hit by rising temperatures. It is generally held that if we can avoid warming the planet by 2 oC above pre-industrial temperatures, we may…
Don’t confront drivers of gas-guzzling SUVs about climate change — talk to them about it instead – Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Don’t confront drivers of gas-guzzling SUVs about climate change — talk to them about it insteadLos Angeles TimesTo the editor: I applaud Virginia Heffernan’s piece exhorting all of us to stop blaming and arguing with people who don’t agree with us on climate change. (“Stop playing the climate blame game. We’re all…
Michael Gove is an environmental disaster waiting to happen – The Independent
The Independent Michael Gove is an environmental disaster waiting to happenThe IndependentMore recently, Gove has been a cheerleader for ditching EU environmental laws designed to protect many of our most precious and wildest places. Much of the UK’s environment safeguards come from Brussels, and, with Brexit negotiations set to start …Michael Gove as environment secretary is…
Essay: Americans Are Skeptical of Global Warming Out of ‘Selfishness’ and ‘Hypocrisy’ – Breitbart News
Breitbart News Essay: Americans Are Skeptical of Global Warming Out of ‘Selfishness’ and ‘Hypocrisy’Breitbart NewsA recent essay declares that Americans are much more skeptical of “global warming” than citizens of other countries, a phenomenon the author attributes to “selfishness” and “hypocrisy.” In an essay appearing in, Firmin DeBrabander asserts …
How Much Do You Know About Solving Global Warming? – The … – New York Times
New York Times How Much Do You Know About Solving Global Warming? – The …New York TimesThere is no silver bullet for climate change, because slowing planetary warming will require a variety of strategies. “Drawdown,” a new book edited by the green … and more »
San Francisco Mayor Reposts Deleted EPA Global Warming Web Pages – The Daily Caller
San Francisco Mayor Reposts Deleted EPA Global Warming Web PagesThe Daily CallerSan Francisco Mayor Ed Lee became the 13 U.S. mayor to use public resources to repost Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) web pages on global warming that were deleted by the Trump administration earlier this year. Lee said the “American people … and more »