Delingpole: The Pause in Global Warming Is Real, Admits Climategate Scientist – Breitbart News
Breitbart News Delingpole: The Pause in Global Warming Is Real, Admits Climategate ScientistBreitbart NewsHis surprise is understandable given that, previously, alarmist scientists like Ben Santer have gone to great lengths to deny the existence of a ‘Pause’ in global warming, to pour scorn on those who have argued otherwise and to insist that their …
Take A Look At The New ‘Consensus’ On Global Warming – The Daily Caller
Take A Look At The New ‘Consensus’ On Global WarmingThe Daily CallerA scientific consensus has emerged among top mainstream climate scientists that “skeptics” or “lukewarmers” were not long ago derided for suggesting — there was a nearly two-decade long “hiatus” in global warming that climate models failed to …
Lawsuit alleges hostile environment for Jews on San Francisco … – Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Lawsuit alleges hostile environment for Jews on San Francisco …Los Angeles TimesA lawsuit alleges that San Francisco State University has long cultivated a hostile environment for Jews on campus.Jewish Students At San Francisco State Sue Over ‘Hostile Environment‘Forward all 25 news articles »
How swapping meat for beans helps protect the environment – The Weather Network
The Weather Network How swapping meat for beans helps protect the environmentThe Weather NetworkMonday, June 19, 2017, 5:15 – Eating beans is not only good for health, but it’s also good for the environment, according to a study published in the journal Climate Change. The study shows changing a diet from beef to beans could…
Fighting global warming and climate change requires a broad … – Phys.Org
Phys.Org Fighting global warming and climate change requires a broad …Phys.OrgCan the continental United States make a rapid, reliable and low-cost transition to an energy system that relies almost exclusively on wind, solar and …Guest Column: Climate talk: What happens to grandchildren if we ignore climate changeThe Delaware County Daily Times all 1 news articles »
DOE head says carbon dioxide not primary cause of climate change – Science Magazine
Science Magazine DOE head says carbon dioxide not primary cause of climate changeScience MagazineEnergy Secretary Rick Perry this morning said carbon dioxide is not the primary driver of climate change, stirring the global warming debate ahead of his appearance on Capitol Hill this week. On CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Perry was asked if he believes CO2…
Ethiopia’s coffee is the latest victim of climate change – The Verge
The Verge Ethiopia’s coffee is the latest victim of climate changeThe VergeBy the end of this century, increasing temperatures could make it impossible to grow coffee in about half of the country’s coffee-growing areas, according to a study published today in Nature Plants. That’s because Arabica coffee trees (which are grown …Ethiopia’s Coffee Farmers Are…
Energy Secretary Rick Perry says carbon emissions not main driver for climate change – PBS NewsHour
PBS NewsHour Energy Secretary Rick Perry says carbon emissions not main driver for climate changePBS NewsHourAsked on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether carbon emissions are primarily responsible for climate change, Perry said no, adding that “most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.” Asked on CNBC’s “Squawk…
Energy Secretary Rick Perry does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming – New York Daily News
New York Daily News Energy Secretary Rick Perry does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warmingNew York Daily NewsWASHINGTON — Energy Secretary Rick Perry said Monday he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming, a statement at odds with mainstream scientific consensus but in line with…
How to Protect the Environment Where It’s Worked by Human Hands – The Nation.
The Nation. How to Protect the Environment Where It’s Worked by Human HandsThe Nation.Before the 1960s, when newspaper columnist Joseph Kraft popularized the term “Middle America” with all its contemporary political baggage, the vast midsection of the country was defined more by geography and environment than politics—it was a place …