Every individual has a responsibility towards environment – Dr Rawlings – Myjoyonline.com
Myjoyonline.com Every individual has a responsibility towards environment – Dr RawlingsMyjoyonline.comThe Member of Parliament (MP) for the Korle Klottey Constituency says each individual has a responsibility towards safeguarding the environment. Dr Zanetor Rawlings notes that the time had come for Ghanaians to realise that the environment was not just …Each individual has a responsibility towards…
Packing a visual punch for the environment – Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Welle Packing a visual punch for the environmentDeutsche WelleWith the mantra “a picture paints a thousand words” in mind, these photos show how striking visuals can make a strong statement about environmental topics. Some have chosen to highlight the many ecological problems facing the planet with some powerful … and more »
Global warming blamed as summer skiing on Whistler glacier is cancelled for first time in 30 years – Telegraph.co.uk
Telegraph.co.uk Global warming blamed as summer skiing on Whistler glacier is cancelled for first time in 30 yearsTelegraph.co.ukAn annual coaching programme in Whistler has been cancelled for the first time in almost 30 years, with the founder commenting that “global warming has decimated the glacier and our ability to run a summer camp.” Ken Achenbach…
From heatwaves to hurricanes, floods to famine: seven climate change hotspots – The Guardian
The Guardian From heatwaves to hurricanes, floods to famine: seven climate change hotspotsThe GuardianThe evidence for the onset of climate change is compelling. But who and where is it hitting the hardest? How fast will it come to Africa, or the US? What will be its impact on tropical cities, forests or farming? On the…
Let Some Good Come From Global Warming – Nasdaq.com – Nasdaq
Tower Timberjay News Let Some Good Come From Global Warming – Nasdaq.comNasdaqI have lived 15 years of my life on the high seas witnessing changing climatic conditions. I am far from a doubter that climate change is happening,.SCIENCE: Climate change or global warming? One persuades …E&E NewsTakes Issue With Letter on Global WarmingThe Missourian (blog)Climate…
I worked on the EPA’s climate change website. Its removal is a … – Washington Post
Washington Post I worked on the EPA’s climate change website. Its removal is a …Washington PostThis spring, political officials at the Environmental Protection Agency removed the agency’s climate change website, one of the world’s top resources for … and more »
Rick Perry doesn’t blame carbon dioxide for climate change | Daily … – Daily Mail
Daily Mail Rick Perry doesn’t blame carbon dioxide for climate change | Daily …Daily MailEnergy Secretary Rick Perry told CNBC Monday that he doubted carbon dioxide emissions were primarily responsible for global warming, as he praised climate …Energy Secretary Rick Perry says CO2 is not the main driver of climate changeCNBCRick Perry just denied that humans…
Liberals Stroke Fear Over Global Warming – The Missourian (blog)
Liberals Stroke Fear Over Global WarmingThe Missourian (blog)Does Al Gore claim any credit for coming up with the concept of man-made global warming for the liberals and then growing from that the notion of socialist government control, through regulations, of the entire energy sector of the U.S. economy? If so …
Climate Change Altering Droughts, Impacts Across US – Climate Central
Climate Central Climate Change Altering Droughts, Impacts Across USClimate CentralBut scientists have found that the dry spell showed unusual wild extremes of wetness and warmth — indicators that climate change may be altering the typical characteristics of drought across the U.S., according to a new National Oceanic and … and more »
Rick Perry wrongly downplays human role in climate change – PolitiFact
The Hill Rick Perry wrongly downplays human role in climate changePolitiFactEnergy Secretary Rick Perry downplayed the role of human activity in the recent rise in the Earth’s temperature, saying natural causes are likely the main driver of climate change. Perry was asked in a CNBC interview if he believed carbon dioxide was …Franken, Perry clash…