As Trump ditches Paris, California leads on environment – As Trump ditches Paris, California leads on environmentAljazeera.comBrown’s meeting with Xi took place a mere five days after President Donald Trump announced that the US would withdraw from the Paris climate accord, and according to Ann Carlson, a professor of environmental law at UCLA, this timing mattered. “Governor … and more »
China’s new environment minister urges ‘protracted war’ on pollution – Reuters
Reuters China’s new environment minister urges ‘protracted war’ on pollutionReutersBEIJING China on Tuesday appointed a new environment minister who has promised a “protracted battle” to clean up the nation’s notoriously polluted air, water and soil. Xinhua news agency named the minister as Li Ganjie, 52, who takes up the job less … and more »
Mayors, Sidestepping Trump, Vow to Fill Void on Climate Change – New York Times
New York Times Mayors, Sidestepping Trump, Vow to Fill Void on Climate ChangeNew York TimesMIAMI BEACH — Meeting in a city confronted daily with the issues of rising seas and climate change, the United States Conference of Mayors approved resolutions on Monday to urge the federal government to rejoin the Paris climate agreement and to …US…
Prime minister Modi could lecture Trump on climate change — India is leapfrogging the US on renewables – Business Insider
Business Insider Prime minister Modi could lecture Trump on climate change — India is leapfrogging the US on renewablesBusiness InsiderNarendra Modi believes the world should fight climate change, and he’s helping India lead the way. AP/Siddharth Darshan Kumar. India’s prime minister Narendra Modi is meeting with President Donald Trump on Monday, and the agenda could…
Hail of a forecast: Climate change means fewer hailstorms but bigger hail – CNN
The Verge Hail of a forecast: Climate change means fewer hailstorms but bigger hailCNN(CNN) Climate change is likely to reduce the number of hailstorms across North America in the coming years, a new study says, but don’t get rid of your insurance policy quite yet. You will probably still need a new roof due to…
Global warming is not a liberal conspiracy: Letter to the Editor –
Global warming is not a liberal conspiracy: Letter to the Editorcleveland.comWhile I agree that calling it sea ice would have been more accurate than calling it an iceberg, the Earthweek feature still lends credence to global warming regardless. As the Arctic warms, more ice melts around the edges, providing greater mobility … and more »
Global Warming: The Imminent Crisis That Never Arrives – Investor’s Business Daily
Investor’s Business Daily Global Warming: The Imminent Crisis That Never ArrivesInvestor’s Business DailyBut we have neither the space nor time to rack up all the missed global warming predictions. So we will merely point out that instead of these disasters, we have the climate alarmist community admitting that there has indeed been a pause in…
US Mayors Promise More Policies To Fight Global Warming, But Will they Work? – The Daily Caller
U.S. News & World Report US Mayors Promise More Policies To Fight Global Warming, But Will they Work?The Daily CallerU.S. mayors continue to make pledges to do more to fight global warming, but experts have become increasingly skeptical of local efforts to tackle a problem scientists and environmentalists say is global. Former New York City…
Climate Change Is Making Cities Sick – CityLab
CityLab Climate Change Is Making Cities SickCityLabUrban Canadians are feeling the impact of climate change. Flooding in Quebec this spring damaged nearly 1,900 homes in 126 municipalities, causing widespread psychological distress. Summer heatwaves are predicted to become more frequent and … and more »
More killer hail coming unless we curb global warming – New Scientist
New Scientist More killer hail coming unless we curb global warmingNew ScientistThere is endless fascination with things that fall from the sky. The very term meteorology comes from the Greek word meteoron, referring to stuff high in the sky. Of that stuff, hailstones are among the more engaging things that drop on us. I remember…