Seven right whales found dead in ‘devastating’ blow to endangered … – The Guardian
The Guardian Seven right whales found dead in ‘devastating’ blow to endangered …The GuardianCarcasses found off Canada in recent weeks in what may be biggest single die-off of one of world’s most endangered whale species, expert says. and more »
Maine Voices: At the crossroads of ethics and the environment – Press Herald
Press Herald Maine Voices: At the crossroads of ethics and the environmentPress HeraldEcologist Garrett Hardin warned about the environmental pitfalls of self-interest in a 1968 article called “The Tragedy of the Commons.” In the allegory, the commons was a public pasture open to all local farmers. It was entirely rational for each …
Palau: on the frontline of climate change in the South Pacific – The Independent
The Independent Palau: on the frontline of climate change in the South PacificThe IndependentTo see the frontline of climate change, Tommy Remengesau, President of Palau, a small island nation in the Pacific, has to look no further than his backyard. Due to rising sea levels, the garden his wife used keep at the back of…
Climate change, the South, and the disadvantaged poor – WXIA-TV
WXIA-TV Climate change, the South, and the disadvantaged poorWXIA-TVThe world is abuzz over what will happen at the storied climate conference now that the United States is out of the Paris Climate Accords. President Barack Obama’s administration said it tried to dampen the ramifications of climate change. Those ideas …Commentary: Darrell Beck Misleads on Climate…
Climate Change and Health: Air Quality FAQs – Natural Resources Defense Council
Climate Change and Health: Air Quality FAQsNatural Resources Defense CouncilThe interactive map explores how climate change threatens our health in a fundamental way—through the air we breathe. Analyzing data from counties across the country, we found that nearly 127 million Americans—four out of every 10 people—live in …
The Black Death May Have Had a Surprising Effect on the Environment – Gizmodo
Gizmodo The Black Death May Have Had a Surprising Effect on the EnvironmentGizmodoMore and his colleagues say their findings have implications for health and environmental policy today, suggesting that “natural background” levels of lead—as seen during plague years—are quite close to zero. But other experts contacted by Gizmodo …
‘Chasing Coral’ on Netflix Goes Underwater to Highlight Climate Change – New York Times
‘Chasing Coral’ on Netflix Goes Underwater to Highlight Climate ChangeNew York TimesIn the 2012 documentary “Chasing Ice,” the director Jeff Orlowski followed a National Geographic photographer on a project to document how climate change was affecting Arctic glaciers. Mr. Vevers got in touch with Mr. Orlowski, who agreed to make a … and more »
Merkel: Trump ‘Even Made a Contribution’ on Climate Change Discussion At G20 Summit – Newsweek
Newsweek Merkel: Trump ‘Even Made a Contribution’ on Climate Change Discussion At G20 SummitNewsweekEven when seemingly attempting to compliment President Donald Trump Friday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel couldn’t help but sound like she was damning the president with faint praise. Following a session at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Merkel told …Angela Merkel’s husband is taking…
Stephen Tindale obituary – The Guardian
The Guardian Stephen Tindale obituaryThe GuardianIn a similar spirit, he argued that genetically modified organisms should not be rejected en masse – some genetic alterations to crop or bacteria were benign and would lead to environmental improvement and better food security. These stances won …
The Real Lowdown: The Trump and Congressional Republican Assault on Our Environment, Vol. 18 – Natural Resources Defense Council
Natural Resources Defense Council The Real Lowdown: The Trump and Congressional Republican Assault on Our Environment, Vol. 18Natural Resources Defense CouncilTeam Trump learned that tough lesson when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit slapped down U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt for violating the Clean Air Act by “staying”―essentially halting—the Obama-era…